Идеальное преступление (2004)

Год выпуска: 2004
Страна: Испания, Италия
Жанр: триллер, комедия, криминал, приключения
Продолжительность: 105 мин.
Режиссер: Алекс де ла Иглесиа
Актёры: Гильермо Толедо, Моника Сервера, Луис Варела, Энрике Вильен, Фернандо Техеро, Хавьер Гутьеррес, Кира Миро, Росарио Пардо, Грасия Олайо, Хосе Алиас
"Ideally Perfect Crime" (Crimen Ferpecto) is a 2004 Spanish-Italian film directed by Alex de la Iglesia. The film offers a unique blend of genres including thriller, comedy, crime, and adventure. The story follows Rafael, the successful and charismatic manager of a department store, who has a knack for selling women's clothing. He is considered to be the most desirable bachelor in town but is also ruthless when it comes to getting what he wants. One night, Rafael accidentally kills his colleague during an argument and is blackmailed by Lourdes, a shy employee whom he has harassed in the past. She threatens to turn him over to the police unless he agrees to become her lover. Rafael reluctantly agrees, but soon finds himself in a web of deceit and manipulation as Lourdes becomes increasingly possessive and jealous of him. As the tension between the two grows, Rafael hatches a plan to get rid of her permanently, but things don't go as planned. With an outstanding cast, including Guillermo Toledo, Monica Servera, Luis Varela, Enrique Villen, and Fernando Tejero, the film is an excellent blend of gripping suspense and hilarious comedy.
Слоган: «A Wicked Good Time!»
Перевод: Профессиональный
фильм доступен онлайн на всех устройствах: android, ipad, iphone и smartTV.
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