Антрум: Самый опасный фильм из когда-либо снятых (2018)

Год выпуска: 2018
Страна: Канада
Жанр: ужасы
Продолжительность: 01:35 мин.
Качество: WEB-DLRip
Режиссер: Дэвид Амито
Актёры: Николь Томпкинс, Роуэн Смит, Дэн Истрате, Сиркус-Шалевски, Сю Сакимото
Antrum: The Deadliest Film Ever Made is a 2018 horror movie produced in Canada. The film tells the story of a cursed movie that was made in the 1970s and its notorious history. The movie is about two siblings who dig a hole to Hell to save their dead dog – but in doing so, they unknowingly open a gateway to evil.
The film includes footage from the cursed movie, which is said to have caused the deaths of many who have seen it. Antrum is presented as a documentary-style horror film, with experts talking about the psychology of fear and analyzing the cursed movie. The cast features Nicole Tompkins, Rowan Smyth, Dan Istrate, Circus-Szalewski, Syu Sakimoto, Kristel Elling, Lucy Rainier, Pierluca Arancio, A.J. Bond, and Nathan Fleet.
Directed by David Amito and Michael Laicini, Antrum is a horror movie which boasts a variety of genres including occult, mystery, and psychological terror. The film's unique approach to storytelling and its terrifying imagery make it an unforgettable horror experience.
Слоган: «The Deadliest Film Ever Made.»
Перевод: Любительский двухголосый
фильм доступен онлайн на всех устройствах: android, ipad, iphone и smartTV.
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