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Самый неохотный верующий (2021)

4/5 (856 гол.)
KP 8
IMDB 8.70
Постер к кинофильму Самый неохотный верующий смотреть онлайн бесплатно
Год выпуска: 2021
Страна: США
Жанр: драма, биография, история
Продолжительность: 01:13 мин.
Качество: WEB-DL
Режиссер: Норман Стоун
Актёры: Макс МакЛин, Николас Ральф, Eddie Ray Martin, Ричард Хэррингтон, Эми Александр
The Most Reluctant Convert is an upcoming biographical drama film from the United States. The film is directed by Norman Stone and stars Max McLean, Nicholas Ralph, Eddie Ray Martin, Richard Harrington, and Amy Alexander. The story is based on the life of British writer and philosopher C.S. Lewis, and his transformation from an atheist to a devout Christian. The film focuses on Lewis's journey from skeptic to believer, and the various factors that led to his conversion. Lewis was a brilliant scholar who found himself grappling with questions of faith and spirituality throughout his life. The movie explores his relationship with his friend J.R.R. Tolkien, author of The Lord of the Rings, as well as his own personal struggles and doubts. The Most Reluctant Convert promises to be a powerful and thought-provoking film that explores the nature of faith and the human experience. The movie blends elements of biography, drama, and history to tell Lewis's story in a compelling and engaging way. With an all-star cast and a talented director at the helm, this promises to be one of the most anticipated films of 2021.
Перевод: Многоголосый закадровый
фильм доступен онлайн на всех устройствах: android, ipad, iphone и smartTV.

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4/5 (856 гол.)
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