Носферату, симфония ужаса (1922)

Год выпуска: 1922
Страна: Германия
Жанр: ужасы, фэнтези
Продолжительность: 01:34 мин.
Качество: BDRip
Режиссер: Фридрих Вильгельм Мурнау
Актёры: Макс Шрек, Густав фон Вангенхайм, Грета Шрёдер, Георг Г. Шнель, Рут Ландшорфф
"Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens" (Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror) is a 1922 German silent horror-fantasy film directed by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau. The film is based on the novel "Dracula" by Bram Stoker but due to copyright issues, the names and certain plot elements were changed. The film follows the story of Count Orlok, a vampire who wants to move to a city in Germany and terrorize its inhabitants.
The film is known for its eerie and atmospheric cinematography, the use of shadows to create a sense of horror, and Max Schreck's unforgettable portrayal of Count Orlok. "Nosferatu" is considered a masterpiece of German expressionist cinema and one of the most influential horror films of all time. The film also has a significant impact on popular culture, inspiring countless vampire stories, particularly in cinema.
Despite the film's initial critical reception and commercial failure, it is now recognized as a classic of the horror genre. "Nosferatu" continues to terrify and fascinate audiences almost a century after its release.
Слоган: «A thrilling mystery masterpiece - a chilling psycho-drama of blood-lust.»
Перевод: Субтитры
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