Акварион 2 (2012)

Год выпуска: 2012
Страна: Япония
Жанр: аниме, мультфильм, фантастика, драма
Продолжительность: 25 мин.
Режиссер: Сёдзи Кавамори, Ацуси Накаяма, Хироси Икэхата, Кадзухиро Ёнэда
Актёры: Аи Каяно, Юки Кадзи, Аюми Фудзимура, Даисукэ Намикава, Хироки Ясумото, Дзюн Фукусима, Дзюнъити Сувабэ, Кана Ханадзава, Кэидзи Фудзивара, Кэнъити Судзумура
"Aquarion Evol" is a 2012 Japanese animated film directed by Shoji Kawamori, Acusi Nakayama, Hiroshi Ikehata, and Katsuhito Einada. The movie is an original fantasy drama and is the sequel to the television series "Aquarion."
The story is set in the future where humans are threatened by a mysterious entity called "Shadow Angels." To protect themselves, humans create a defense system called "Aquaria," which requires the teamwork of skilled pilots to operate. The pilots are chosen from different genders and trained to work together. The story revolves around a young pilot named Amata Sora, who dreams of flying the Aquaria. He eventually finds himself embroiled in a battle against the Shadow Angels, and in the process, discovers secrets about his own identity.
The film features stunning animation and intricate character designs. The plot is an exciting blend of action, drama, and fantasy, drawing in the audience with its captivating storyline. It is a stunning follow-up to the "Aquarion" series, and fans of the genre will find it an enthralling viewing experience.
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