Моя прекрасная прачечная (1985)

Год выпуска: 1985
Страна: Великобритания
Жанр: драма, мелодрама, комедия
Продолжительность: 97 мин.
Режиссер: Стивен Фрирз
Актёры: Дэниэл Дэй-Льюис, Гордон Уорнеке, Ричард Грэм, Уинстон Грэхэм, Дадли Томас, Деррик Бранче, Гарри Купер, Рошан Сет, Саид Джаффри, Ширли Энн Филд
"My Beautiful Laundrette" is a British film directed by Stephen Frears and released in 1985. The film tells the story of a young Pakistani man named Omar who runs a laundrette in South London with his uncle Nasser. As Omar tries to make a success of the struggling business, he is reunited with his former lover Johnny, a white punk who he had a relationship with in his youth.
As the two men begin to reconnect, they are forced to confront the social and cultural tensions of their relationship in a society where racism and homophobia are prevalent. Against this backdrop, the laundrette becomes a symbol of hope and possibility for the characters, who are struggling to find their place in the world.
"My Beautiful Laundrette" is a powerful drama that explores themes of identity, love, and prejudice in Thatcher-era Britain. It is also a witty and entertaining film, with a strong comedic element that balances its more serious themes. With its sharp writing, excellent performances, and socially relevant themes, "My Beautiful Laundrette" remains a landmark of British cinema.
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