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Кагемуся: Тень воина (1980)

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KP 8
IMDB 8.70
Постер к кинофильму Кагемуся: Тень воина смотреть онлайн бесплатно
Год выпуска: 1980
Страна: Япония, США
Жанр: военный, история, боевик, драма
Продолжительность: 03:00 мин.
Качество: BDRip
Режиссер: Акира Куросава
Актёры: Тацуя Накадаи, Цутому Ямадзаки, Кэнъити Хагивара, Дзинпати Нэдзу, Хидэдзи Отаки
"Kagemusha: Shadow Warrior" is a 1980 historical drama film directed by Akira Kurosawa. The film is set in feudal Japan and tells the story of a petty thief who is recruited to impersonate a powerful lord who has died. The lord's clan hopes to avoid a power struggle by creating the illusion that he is still alive. The thief, initially resistant to his new role, begins to embrace the life of a warrior and becomes consumed by the role he must play. The film is a visually stunning masterpiece, with Kurosawa's use of color and composition creating an immersive and captivating atmosphere. The performances are also exceptional, particularly the lead actor, who plays both the thief and the lord. Kurosawa's attention to detail and commitment to historical accuracy makes the film a fascinating portrayal of Japanese history and culture. "Kagemusha: Shadow Warrior" is a powerful exploration of identity, power, and sacrifice, and is a must-see for fans of Kurosawa and Japanese cinema.
Перевод: Профессиональный многоголосый, Субтитры
фильм доступен онлайн на всех устройствах: android, ipad, iphone и smartTV.

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