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Кронпринц Рудольф (2006)

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KP 8
IMDB 8.70
Постер к кинофильму Кронпринц Рудольф смотреть онлайн бесплатно
Год выпуска: 2006
Страна: Австрия, Франция, Германия, Италия
Жанр: драма, мелодрама, биография, история
Продолжительность: 105 мин.
Режиссер: Роберт Дорнхельм
Актёры: Макс фон Тун, Виттория Пуччини, Габриэль Барилли, Клаус Мария Брандауэр, Омар Шариф, Вольфганг Бёк, Сандра Чеккарелли, Юлия Ценциг, Кристиан Клавье, Хильде Далик
"Kronprinz Rudolf" is a biographical drama film released in 2006. Directed by Robert Dornhelm, it tells the story of Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria, who lived in the late 19th century and became known for his tragic ending. The film is set in Austria, France, Germany, and Italy, and follows the life of the Crown Prince as he struggles with his duties and responsibilities to the Austrian Empire, his love for a young Baroness, and his own personal demons. Throughout the film, we see Rudolf's political views and his desire for social reforms, which put him at odds with his own father, Emperor Franz Joseph I. The film is a melo-dramatic interpretation of the final weeks of Rudolf’s life and his relationship with the young Baroness Mary Vetsera. The story is based on historical facts but takes liberties with some details that remain controversial in Austrian history to this day. "Kronprinz Rudolf" is a gripping drama that portrays a slice of history and explores the complex emotions and conflicts of one of the most intriguing members of the royal family. The film features strong performances and a well-crafted script that captures the essence of this tragic tale.
Слоган: «Rudolf - The true story of a royal rebel and his tragic love.»
доступен онлайн на всех устройствах: android, ipad, iphone и smartTV.

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