Али-Баба: Легенда воина (2022)

Год выпуска: 2022
Страна: Индия
Жанр: фэнтези, драма
Продолжительность: 20 мин.
Режиссер: Maan Singh Manku & Ravi Bhushan, Maan Singh, Amandeep Singh
Актёры: Sheezan Mohammed Khan, Туниша Шарма, Саянтани Гхош, Дж. Картик, Ayush Shrivastava, Атхар Сиддикуи, Заид Али, Ananya Dwivedi, Мохит Аброль, Чандан Ананд
"Ali-Baba: Legend of the Warrior" is a 2022 Indian film directed by Maan Singh Manku & Ravi Bhushan, Maan Singh, Amandeep Singh. The film's original name is Alibaba: Dastaan-E-Kabul. The film is primarily based on the legend of the warrior Ali-Baba and his adventures in Kabul. It is a fantasy-drama film that takes the audience on an epic journey through the lens of Ali-Baba's character, who experiences the harsh realities of war and loss, while also discovering the power of love and loyalty.
The film is set in the backdrop of the rugged wilderness of Kabul, where Ali-Baba and his fellow warriors are engaged in a battle against a ruthless enemy. The story is a gripping tale of bravery, loyalty, and sacrifice, where the protagonist's commitment to his cause prevails against all odds. The film's stylistic elements, such as its immaculate depiction of scenery and well-choreographed action sequences, intensify the audience's emotional involvement with Ali-Baba's struggle.
In conclusion, "Ali-Baba: Legend of the Warrior" is an enthralling and breathtaking film that will leave the audience spellbound. With its talented cast, visually stunning settings, and a riveting story-line, the film is sure to be a memorable addition to Indian cinema.
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11-08-2022, 17:55