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Визит Папы Римского (2023)

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KP 8
IMDB 8.70
Постер к кинофильму Визит Папы Римского смотреть онлайн бесплатно
Год выпуска: 2023
Страна: США
Жанр: семейный
Продолжительность: 01:32 мин.
Качество: WEB-DL
Режиссер: Билл МакАдамс мл.
Актёры: Маркус М. Молдин, Michael Shawn Starks, Landon Mergler, Wesley James, Дэниэл Бритт
"The Pope Drops In" is a heartwarming family comedy set in the United States in 2023. The film follows the story of a young Catholic girl named Lucy, who dreams of meeting the Pope. Through a series of lucky coincidences, Lucy and her family find themselves in the presence of the Pope when he unexpectedly drops in on their town during his visit to America. Directed by Bill MacAdam Jr., the film is both a comedy and an uplifting story of faith, family, and community values. As Lucy and her family navigate the challenges and blessings of their unexpected encounter with the Pope, they learn the importance of listening to their hearts, following their dreams, and believing in the power of love and hope. "The Pope Drops In" is a timely and relevant story that speaks to the values and aspirations of families of all backgrounds and religious affiliations. With its engaging characters, heartwarming humor, and inspiring message, the film is sure to be a crowd-pleaser for audiences of all ages.
Перевод: Многоголосый закадровый
фильм доступен онлайн на всех устройствах: android, ipad, iphone и smartTV.

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